Isfahan and Freiburg
History of the city partnership (Twin Cities)
The first ideas
Dr. Mohammad Salavati accidentally meets the mayor of Isfahan Mr. Mohammad Ali Javadi and he tells him about his Isfahan- Freiburg partnership dream. Mr. Javadi finds the idea extremely interesting.
Isfahan’s mayor and some members of the city council meet in Isfahan’s city hall Dr. Salavati. In this meeting Dr. Salavati introduces the city of Freiburg to them and they discuss the idea of Isfahan-Freiburg city- partnership.
Mr. Javadi invites (see Invitation) the Mayor of Freiburg Dr. Boehme to Isfahan.
The news is announced in the public Media (see News Paper from Feb. 11 2000).
The first barriers
June 2000:
The first official meeting of Freiburg’s Mayor, some of the members of the city council, a few representatives from the university, the media and Dr. Salavati takes place in Isfahan. During this visit the contract of Isfahan- Freiburg’s friendship is signed.(Pictures)
At this stage Freiburg was willing to sign a ‘partnership’ contract while Isfahan was only eager to sign a ‘friendship’ contract. (Pictures).
The first meeting of ‘circle of friends of Isfahan- Freiburg’ takes place.
Isfahan’s agreement on Partnership
August 2000:
Dr. Salavati flies to Isfahan. After a lot of efforts and meetings; finally Isfahan decides to sign the partnership contract (Twin City).
The first official meeting of the ‘circle of friends of Isfahan- Freiburg’ takes place.
Freiburg’s agreement on partnership
The city council of Freiburg agrees on the implementation of Isfahan- Freiburg Partnership.
October 2000:
The first official meeting of Isfahan’s mayor Mr. Javadi, representatives of the Isfahan city council and the University is held in Freiburg. (Pictures)
The contract of the Isfahan- Freiburg partnership is signed in the city hall of Freiburg.
The Isfahan-Freiburg partnership is the first of its kind between an Iranian and a German city.
May 2001:
The second visit of the mayor of Freiburg, some representatives of the city council, the radio and Dr. Salavati to Isfahan takes place. A Street in Isfahan is named after the city of Freiburg (Khiyaban-e Freiburg). The house of Freiburg is found in Isfahan and the delegation visits the cities of Shiraz and Tehran (Pictures)
June 2001:
Because of the hard work of Dr. Salavati in this partnership, the mayor of Freiburg Dr. Boehme gives Dr. Salavati a copper engraved picture from Isfahan as a present.(Picture)
The association ‘circle of friends of Isfahan-Freiburg’ is founded.
April 2002:
The second official meeting of a group including the mayor, the head of the city council and the deputy governor of Isfahan in Freiburg takes place. A Street in Freiburg is named after the city of Isfahan. A friendship tree is planted in Freiburg. The house of Isfahan is found in Freiburg (Pictures).
The head of the city council, Mr. Burger and Dr. Salavati meet the new consul general, Mr. Monzavizadeh and his deputy, Mr. Moghadam in the Iranian consulate in Frankfurt.
The head of the city council, Mr. Burger and Dr. Salavati meet the new mayor of Freiburg Dr. Dieter Salomon in Freiburg city hall to confirm the partnership (Pictures).
The City of Freiburg welcomes the Iranian consul general Mr. Monzavizadeh and his deputy Mr. Moghadam. They confirm the collaboration (Pictures).
Dr. Salavati meets the new mayor of Isfahan Dr. Seyed Morteza Saghaian Nejad in the city hall of Freiburg. They talk about the collaboration of the two cities (Pictures).
Dr. Salavati and the mayor of Isfahan Dr. Seyed Morteza Saghaian Nejad meet again to discuss further projects (Pictures).
October 2003:
The rector of the University of Isfahan Professor Talebi and the director of the international office Mr. Tayebi visit the city and the University of Freiburg (Pictures).
University Contract
After two years of negotiation between Isfahan and Freiburg the contract between the University of Freiburg and the University of Isfahan is finally signed (Pictures).
April 2004:
The official visit of the rector of the University of Freiburg Prof. Dr. Jaeger, Mrs. Mader the director of the International office and Dr. Salavati to Isfahan, Shiraz and Tehran takes place (Pictures).
During the visit the rector in Isfahan is the contract between the University of Freiburg and the Polytechnical University of Isfahan signed (Pictures).
The rector of the University of Freiburg, Prof. Dr. Jaeger, Mrs. Mader the director of the International office and Dr. Salavati meet the members of the city council of Isfahan and confirm their further collaborations.
Some discussions about the foundation of an association of former and current Iranian students of the University of Freiburg are held.
The first meeting on the foundation of a human rights section in the University of Isfahan takes place. Moreover further conversations about future dialogs between the human rights groups of Isfahan and Freiburg are conducted. The participants of this meeting were: Dr. Tellenbach (Max-Planck Institute), Dr. Jalali (Professor of the University of Isfahan and the director of the law department of University of Isfahan), Dr. Thun (member of the human rights commission), Dr. Rezaei (Max- Planck Institut), and Dr. Salavati (initiator of Isfahan- Freiburg partnership).
21.08 2004:
Dr. Salavati meets the head of the city council of Isfahan Mr. Hadj Rasouliha.
1.08.2004 and 31.08.2004: Dr. Salavati meets the mayor of Isfahan Dr. Seyed Morteza Saghaian Nejad in the city hall
Dr. Salavati meets Mr. Ghasemzadeh the director of cultural and youth affairs in Isfahan (Pictures).
September 2004:
The first meeting of the new mayors of both cities of Isfahan and Freiburg Dr. Saghaian Nejad and Dr. Salomon takes place in Freiburg. In this visit the head of the city council of Isfahan Mr. Hadj Rasouliha, the deputy mayor for city planning Mr. Noursalehi and Mr. Moyassari from the international office are accompanying the mayor (Pictures).
February 2005:
During a trip to Isfahan Dr. Salavati visits a partnership related exhibition in Isfhan’s city hall and meets the mayor of Isfahan Dr. Seyed Morteza Saghaian Nejad (Pictures)
He also meets Mr. Azari the head of the Football club of Zobahan Isfahan. They talk about the possible contacts with Freiburg’s soccer club (Invitation, Picture). There is also more discussions with Dr. Jalali (Professor of the University of Isfahan and a member of the attorney board) and Mr. Mehmadoost from the international office about a prospective symposium in Isfahan on human rights. It is planned that representatives of Max- Planck institute of the University of Freiburg, the commission of Freiburg’s human rights and the city of Freiburg participate in the symposium (Picture).
Visiting the Freiburg-house in Isfahan is also planned (Pictures).
Mr. Burger and Dr. Salavati meet the consul general Mr. Monzavizadeh and the consul Mr. Moghadam in the Iranian consulate in Frankfurt and discuss further cultural exchanges and related visa possibilities .
April 2005:
Mr. Guenter Burger (chairman of the international relations of city of Freiburg) travels to Iran (16-20.04.200) and meets Mr. Moyasseri (International office), the head of culture and youth affairs Mr. Ghasemzadeh and the mayor Dr. Saghaian Nejad. They discuss some prospective projects and confirm the collaboration of two cities.
May 2005:
In a trip to Isfahan, Dr. Salavati meets Dr. Rasoul Ranjbaran the president of international chamber of commerce of Isfahan and they discuss the possibilities of the development of the partnership and at the same time broadening of the economic relations between the two cities. Following this meeting, Dr. Ranjbaran invites the president of the international chamber of commerce (ICC) of Freiburg and an accompanying delegation to Isfahan (Invitation, Picture).
December 2005:
The first trip (10-17.12.07) of the Freiburg’s human rights delegation including attorneys, judges and members of the human rights commission to Isfahan takes place. They participated in the joint Human rights seminar.(Invitation, Participants, Programm2 1, Programme 2 and Pictures).
The representatives of the delegation (Mrs. Schrade and Mr. Gebele, Moos and Dr. Salavati) discuss the possibilities of a visit to Isfahan and a visit of a delegation from Isfahan to Freiburg with the mayor of Freiburg.
The representatives of the delegation (Dr. Tellenbach, Dr. Künchner, Dr. Salavati and Woeckel) discuss the possibility of a visit of a delegation from Isfahan to Freiburg with the rector of the University of Freiburg Prof. Dr. Jaeger.
August 2006:
During his trip to Isfahan Dr. Salavati meets the president of the commerce chamber of Isfahan Mr. Sahlabadi and discuss the future development of the partnership of the two cities. Following this meeting Mr. Sahlabadi invites the president of the commerce chamber of Freiburg which was accompanied by a delegation to Isfahan (Invitation, Picture).
Mr. Guenter Burger (Director of International Affairs) and Dr. Salavati met with the new counsel (Mr. Bahmani) in the Iranian Consulate General in Frankfurt (Main) and talk about the partnership and the visa formalities.
15.05. and 29.05.2007:
Requested by the University of Freiburg, Dr. Salavati met the new rector of the University of Isfahan Dr. Ramesht and the prorector Dr. Harsij. They discussed the problems and the possible improvements of the university partnership.
20.05 and 28.05.07:
The reelected mayor of Isfahan Dr. Saghayan Nejad and Dr. Salavati met and discussed the outstanding project and the continuation of the partnership.
The new city council invited Mr. Salavati to a lecture concerning the city partnership. The negative and positive aspects of the city partnership were discussed during the presence of the mayor.
Mr. Mohammad Khatami (former President of Iran) welcomed Dr. Salavati. They discussed the city partnership and the current activities. During this meeting they were discussing their common goal (‘Isfahan- Freiburg partnership’ and ‘Dialog between cultures’) and the possibility of Mr. Khatami’s trip to Freiburg. (Photo)
For the first time Dr. Salavati met with the executive of the Medical University of Isfahan. They considered some possibilities of having contacts to the University of Freiburg.
October 2007:
On his trip to Isfahan Dr. Salavati met with the Rector Dr. Ramesht, the prorector Dr. Harsij, and some other professors in Isfahan, to discuss the collaboration of the two universities and different projects.
Therefore two committees were established:
- One committee to establish a faculty of ‘renewable energy’ in the University of Isfahan with the assistance of the city and the University of Freiburg.(Annex)
- One committee for preparation of a joint conference with political scientists, sociologists, philosophers and historians of both universities. (Annex)
On his trip to Isfahan, Dr. Salavati visited the ‘Sepahan Sport Club’ and discussed the possibility of any contact with the SC and FT 1844 in Freiburg with Mr. Saket the president of Sepahan Sport Club. (Invitation, Photo)
Mr. Burger and Dr. Salavati meet the new consul general Mr. Khalil Jafarzadeh in the Iranian consulate in Frankfurt and discuss the Twin City and related Projects (Photo) .
February 2008:
The second official visit of the rector of the University of Freiburg Prof. Dr. Jaeger, Mrs. Kraft from the International office and Dr. Salavati to Isfahan, Yazd and Tehran takes place (Pictures).
February 2008:
The chancellor of Freiburg University, Prof. Dr. Jaeger, and his wife as well as Ms. Kraft (International Office) visit Isfahan, Yazd and Teheran with Dr. Salavati (February 2–9, 2008) (Report and photographs).
February 6, 2008: Talks with the chancellor, prorector and members of Isfahan University that are working on collaborative projects. (Photographs)
Groundbreaking ceremony for the building “that will house” the new department for renewable energies (Photographs).
February 6, 2008: Talks with the chancellor of Isfahan University of Medical Sciences and subsequent signing of a contract between Freiburg University and Isfahan University of Medical Sciences. (Photographs)
February 7, 2008: Meeting with the mayors of Isfahan at city hall and talks about collaboration. (Photographs)
November 11, 2008:
Talks between Mr. Khatami, former president of the Islamic Republic of Iran, and the chancellor of Freiburg University as well as the lord mayor of Freiburg. (Photographs and report)
December 2008:
Mr. Khatami, former president of the Islamic Republic of Iran, thanks the chancellor of Freiburg University, the lord mayor, Mr. Hillebrand, and Dr. Salavati for the invitation to Freiburg. (Document)
February 15, 2009:
Contract between the Art University of Isfahan and the Institute for Middle Eastern Archeology at Freiburg University. (Photographs)
February 2009:
Contract between the Institute for Geo Archaeology at Isfahan University and the Institute for Middle Eastern Archeology at Freiburg University. (Photographs)
February 2009:
Contract between the Danesh-e-Tandorosti Institute in Isfahan and the Department for Psychosomatic Medicine and Psychotherapy at the University Hospital and the Thure von Uexküll Hospital in Freiburg. (Photographs)
February 9–13, 2009:
A delegation from Freiburg University consisting of Professors Dr. Michael Wirsching (chair, Department for Psychosomatic Medicine and Psychotherapy), Dr. Carl Scheidt (chief of medicine, Thure von Uexkuell Hospital) and Dr. Mohammad Salavati travels to Isfahan for talks with Dr. Goli (chair, Danesh-e-Tandorosti Institute) and Dr. Adibi, vice rector of the University of Medical Sciences, Isfahan. (Report and photographs)
February 10, 2009:
Ground breaking ceremony for a new wellness clinic in Shahreza, Isfahan Province. (Photographs)
February 11–12, 2009:
Workshop on “Psychosomatic Clinical Skills” (covering the topics “Psychosomatic Approach to Depression” and “Psychosomatic Approach to Somatoform Disorders”) at the Danesh-e-Tandorosti Institute and at Raien Clinic in Isfahan (Photographs and report)
February 18, 2009:
During his trip to Isfahan, Dr. Salavati went to the Law Department at Isfahan University for talks with Dr. Sharif Alnasab, spokesperson of the department, about establishing contacts with the Max Planck Institute in Freiburg. As a result, the executive committee of the department invited the president of the Max Planck Institute, Prof. Dr. Sieber, to Isfahan. (Invitation)
March 13–18, 2009:
A cultural delegation from Freiburg consisting of Mr. G. Burger (director of international affairs), Mr. A. Koenneke (head of cultural department), Mr. K. Engert (head of Freiburg Theater), Prof. R. Nolte (chancellor, Freiburg College of Music), Frau K. Kraft (International Office, Freiburg University), Dr. M. Salavati and three Freiburg-based artists (Ms. Ines Maike Seeberger, Mr. Aziz Kortel and Mr. Ricardo Bartra) traveled to Isfahan. Members of the delegation met with the deputy mayor and head of the cultural division, Mr. Tahwilpour, as well as heads of several municipal departments. They also met with the vice rector of Isfahan University, representatives of the International Office, and the vice rector of the Art University of Isfahan (Report and photographs).
March 14, 2009:
Members of the Freiburg cultural delegation meet with the board of Sepahan Sport Club in Hotel Abbasi. (Photographs)
May 15–22, 2009:
Prof. Dr. Jürgen Ruehe, Vice Rector of Freiburg University, travels to Isfahan. He is joined by Ms. Marlies Heinz (Institute for Middle Eastern Archaeology), Mr. Gerhard Oesten (ZEE), Dr. Guenther Ebert (ISE) and Dr. Mohammad Salavati. (Report and photographs)
May 11, 2009: Talks with Ms. Riecken of the cultural division of the German embassy in Teheran.
May 12, 2009: The guests from Freiburg participate in the workshop “Isfahan–Freiburg Partnership and Sustainable Value Creation in Renewable Energies.” (Photographs)
May 13, 2009: Members of the delegation from Freiburg visit the faculties of Isfahan University.
May 13, 2009: Talks with Prof. Dr. Adibi, Vice Rector of Isfahan University of Medical Sciences.
May 14, 2009:
Meeting with the municipal council of Isfahan to discuss the city partnership, especially as it concerns renewable energy.
July 26, 2009:
Dr. Salavati meets with Dr. Mazaheri of Azad University in Isfahan to begin considering the collaboration with Freiburg University.
July 28, 2009:
Dr. Salavati pays a visit to Azad University Isfahan in Najafabad and meets rector and pro rectors and discuss about collaboration with University of Freiburg.
December 16–20, 2009:
A delegation from Isfahan Polytechnical University consisting of Professors Dr. Mohammad Javad Omidi (Chair of Electrical and Computer Engineering Dept.) and Dr. Ahmadreza Tabesh travels to Freiburg. They together with Dr. Salavati meet with Freiburg’s lord mayor, Dr. Salamon, as well as Prof. Dr. Ruehe, prorector of Freiburg University, Prof. Dr. Gerhard Oesten (ZEE) and Dr. Guenther Ebert (ISE).
March 21–24, 2010:
Dr. Roustazadeh (director of international affairs, Isfahan Municipal) with a group of artistes traveled to Freiburg.
He meets with the mayor of Freiburg, Dr. Salamon, as well as heads of several municipal departments. He also met with Mr. Finger, director of the International Office from the University of Freiburg.
March 23–24, 2010:
Dr. Adibi, Vice Rector of the University of Medical Sciences, Isfahan pays a visit to Freiburg and have some meeting with Professors Dr. Michael Wirsching (chair, Department for Psychosomatic Medicine and Psychotherapy), Dr. Carl Scheidt (chief of medicine, Thure von Uexkuell Hospital) and Mr. Finger (Head of International Department of University of Freiburg).
May 01–07, 2010:
A delegation from Freiburg University consisting of Professors Dr. Michael Wirsching (chair, Department for Psychosomatic Medicine and Psychotherapy), Dr. Carl Scheidt (chief of medicine, Thure von Uexkuell Hospital) and Dr. Mohammad Salavati travels to Isfahan for talks with Dr. Adibi, Vice Rector of the University of Medical Sciences, Isfahan, Dr. Razmjoo, President of Medical Science Faculty and Dr. Goli, chair of Danesh-e-Tandorosti Institute. (Report and photographs)
May 03–04, 2010:
Workshop on “Psychosomatic Clinical Skills” (covering the topics “Psychosomatic Approach to Depression” and “Psychosomatic Approach to Depression" & "Psychosomatic Assessment of Patient in Depression”) at the Medical University of Isfahan and at the Danesh-e-Tandorosti Institute in Isfahan (Photographs and report)
Inventory and further development of partnership between the cities of Freiburg and Isfahan. The council shall cause G-10/239 under Pressure (list of activity between Freiburg and Isfahan) from the state and the further development of the knowledge partnership. At the end of a dedicated and informative discussion council practice, this partnership was a "carry on" the great majority. The council has spoken out clearly for a continuation of the partnership with Isfahan.
22nd December 2010:
On his journey to Isfahan, visited Dr. Salavati, the Bar Association in Isfahan and a conversation with Mr. Asadollah Eslami, chairman of the chamber, about possible contacts and cooperation with the Freiburg Lawyers' Association and the Human Rights Commission in Freiburg.
Then invite the Board of lawyer Kammer's the chairman of the Bar Association of Freiburg, Mr. Detlev Heyder and the Chairman of the Commission on Human Rights, Dr. Edlef Lange to Isfahan (see invitations).
18th January 2011:
On his trip to Freiburg (on 18.01.2011) Mr. Mohammad Reza Saket, chairman of the sports club Sepahan - the Sport Club Freiburg and he has a conversation with Mr. Dirk Dufner, managing director of the sports clubs Freiburg about possible contacts and cooperation.
Then invite the sports club Sepahan - Isfahan Mr. Dufner to Isfahan (see invitation).
December 2011 / January 2012:
Signing a partnership agreement between the Bar Association of Isfahan and Freiburg's Bar Association (see pictures)
May 2012:
On his journey to Isfahan, visit Dr. Salavati:
- Mr. Jamali Nejad, Mr. Dr. Ghari Ghoran, Mr. Ranjbar, Mr. Tahvilpour (the mayors Fitze) and Mr. Dr. Same and leads discussions on partnership projects;
- Mr. Rahimi and Mr. Khorwash (President and GM of the sports club Sepahan) and leads a conversation about the contacts with the SC Freiburg;
- Mrs. Dr. Saiidi and Mr. Dr. Salehi (Arts University in Isfahan) and discussed about the cooperation between the two universities;
- The Bar Association in Isfahan and has some conversation with Mr. Anvari Zadeh, Chief Executive Officer of the chamber, through a joint workshop in Isfahan and on cooperation with the Freiburg Lawyers' Association and the Human Rights Commission in Freiburg;
- Dr. Froughi, the Rector of the Azad University Khoraskan Isfahan, to draw a connection with the University of Freiburg in consideration;
- Dr. Sani Zadeh, the editors of the magazine "Danesh Nama" in Isfahan and has some discussions about a special edition of Freiburg;
- Mr. Ayatollahi, the CEO of the "Iran Esfahan Province ICT Guild organization" and holds talks on cooperation with the same organizations in Freiburg;
- Dr. Mohammad Javad Omidi and Dr. Ahmad Reza Tabesh of the Technical University of Isfahan and has some discussion about current renewable energy projects in Isfahan (see Pictures)
24th July 2013:
Visit of the Chairman of Isfahan attorneys, club in Freiburg
Mr. Seyed Mostafa Anvarizadeh, the first chairman of the Attorney club "Kanoone Vokala" of the city of Isfahan, visited Freiburg and have some talk and discussion with Mr. Heydar, the president und the board of the chamber attorneys in Freiburg and the members of the Freiburg Human Rights Commission about a future collaboration between both clubs.
November 2013
On his journey to Isfahan, visit Dr. Salavati:
- Mr. Jamali Nejad,and Mr. Ranjbar (the mayors Fitz) and leads discussions on partnership projects;
- The Bar Association in Isfahan and has some conversation with Mr. Anvari Zadeh, Chief Executive Officer of the chamber, through a joint workshop in Isfahan and on cooperation with the Freiburg Lawyers' Association and the Human Rights Commission in Freiburg;
- Dr. Amiri, the Rector and Dr. Shekarchiyadeh the Dean of Faculty of law of the Azad University of Najafabad Isfahan, to draw a connection with the University of Freiburg in consideration and about the next joint workshop at the university.
April 2014:
On his journey to Isfahan, visit Dr. Salavati:
- Mr. Jamali Nejad and Mr. Ranjbar (the mayors Fitz) and leads discussions on partnership projects;
- Dr. Afshar, Dr. Zahed, Dr, Rouhafza (Medical University of Isfahan) and Dr. Goli „Institute of Higher Health–Isfahan“ and leads discussions on partnership projects DAAD and some preparation for the WDR Documentary films in Isfahan.
- The Bar Association in Isfahan and has some conversation with Mr. Anvari Zadeh, Chief Executive Officer of the chamber, through a joint workshop in Isfahan and on cooperation with the Freiburg Lawyers' Association and the Human Rights Commission in Freiburg;
- Dr. Talebi, the Rector of the University of Isfahan, to active the cooperation between both Universities.
- Dr. Asghari, the Rector of the Medical University of Isfahan and report the activities and the Projects of the cooperation between both Universities.
- Mrs. Froughifar and Mr. Hamidi, Mr. Otroj, Mr. Panjeh Fouladgaran and Mr. Farid Mousawi from SITCO and had some discussion about new Projects and joint projects wit German Institutes.
- Mr. Khaiami Pour und Mr. Saghaii from International Office, city of Isfahan and have some discussion about the partnership projects between both Cities.
- Mr. Khosravi Rad, Mr. Fakhari and Mr. Hamidi from „Isfahan Research & Technology Network“ and had some discussion about new Projects and joint projects wit University of Freiburg.
- Dr. Keshmiri, president and Dr. Omidi, the vice president of „Isfahan Science &Technology Town“ and has some discussion about current renewable energy projects in Isfahan and the possibility of working with ISE (Institute of Solar Energy)
For the first time, Dr. Salavati meets Mrs. Ute Unteregger of the Ecological Station Freiburg to talk about some consideration of having contacts with the Isfahan - NGOs.
October 2014:
The visit of the mayor of Freiburg, some representatives of the city council, the head of International office, the head of Theatre and Dr. Salavati to Isfahan takes place.
History of the city partnership (Twin Cities)
The first ideas
Dr. Mohammad Salavati accidentally meets the mayor of Isfahan Mr. Mohammad Ali Javadi and he tells him about his Isfahan- Freiburg partnership dream. Mr. Javadi finds the idea extremely interesting.
Isfahan’s mayor and some members of the city council meet in Isfahan’s city hall Dr. Salavati. In this meeting Dr. Salavati introduces the city of Freiburg to them and they discuss the idea of Isfahan-Freiburg city- partnership.
Mr. Javadi invites (see Invitation) the Mayor of Freiburg Dr. Boehme to Isfahan.
The news is announced in the public Media (see News Paper from Feb. 11 2000).
The first barriers
June 2000:
The first official meeting of Freiburg’s Mayor, some of the members of the city council, a few representatives from the university, the media and Dr. Salavati takes place in Isfahan. During this visit the contract of Isfahan- Freiburg’s friendship is signed.(Pictures)
At this stage Freiburg was willing to sign a ‘partnership’ contract while Isfahan was only eager to sign a ‘friendship’ contract. (Pictures).
The first meeting of ‘circle of friends of Isfahan- Freiburg’ takes place.
Isfahan’s agreement on Partnership
August 2000:
Dr. Salavati flies to Isfahan. After a lot of efforts and meetings; finally Isfahan decides to sign the partnership contract (Twin City).
The first official meeting of the ‘circle of friends of Isfahan- Freiburg’ takes place.
Freiburg’s agreement on partnership
The city council of Freiburg agrees on the implementation of Isfahan- Freiburg Partnership.
October 2000:
The first official meeting of Isfahan’s mayor Mr. Javadi, representatives of the Isfahan city council and the University is held in Freiburg. (Pictures)
The contract of the Isfahan- Freiburg partnership is signed in the city hall of Freiburg.
The Isfahan-Freiburg partnership is the first of its kind between an Iranian and a German city.
May 2001:
The second visit of the mayor of Freiburg, some representatives of the city council, the radio and Dr. Salavati to Isfahan takes place. A Street in Isfahan is named after the city of Freiburg (Khiyaban-e Freiburg). The house of Freiburg is found in Isfahan and the delegation visits the cities of Shiraz and Tehran (Pictures)
June 2001:
Because of the hard work of Dr. Salavati in this partnership, the mayor of Freiburg Dr. Boehme gives Dr. Salavati a copper engraved picture from Isfahan as a present.(Picture)
The association ‘circle of friends of Isfahan-Freiburg’ is founded.
April 2002:
The second official meeting of a group including the mayor, the head of the city council and the deputy governor of Isfahan in Freiburg takes place. A Street in Freiburg is named after the city of Isfahan. A friendship tree is planted in Freiburg. The house of Isfahan is found in Freiburg (Pictures).
The head of the city council, Mr. Burger and Dr. Salavati meet the new consul general, Mr. Monzavizadeh and his deputy, Mr. Moghadam in the Iranian consulate in Frankfurt.
The head of the city council, Mr. Burger and Dr. Salavati meet the new mayor of Freiburg Dr. Dieter Salomon in Freiburg city hall to confirm the partnership (Pictures).
The City of Freiburg welcomes the Iranian consul general Mr. Monzavizadeh and his deputy Mr. Moghadam. They confirm the collaboration (Pictures).
Dr. Salavati meets the new mayor of Isfahan Dr. Seyed Morteza Saghaian Nejad in the city hall of Freiburg. They talk about the collaboration of the two cities (Pictures).
Dr. Salavati and the mayor of Isfahan Dr. Seyed Morteza Saghaian Nejad meet again to discuss further projects (Pictures).
October 2003:
The rector of the University of Isfahan Professor Talebi and the director of the international office Mr. Tayebi visit the city and the University of Freiburg (Pictures).
University Contract
After two years of negotiation between Isfahan and Freiburg the contract between the University of Freiburg and the University of Isfahan is finally signed (Pictures).
April 2004:
The official visit of the rector of the University of Freiburg Prof. Dr. Jaeger, Mrs. Mader the director of the International office and Dr. Salavati to Isfahan, Shiraz and Tehran takes place (Pictures).
During the visit the rector in Isfahan is the contract between the University of Freiburg and the Polytechnical University of Isfahan signed (Pictures).
The rector of the University of Freiburg, Prof. Dr. Jaeger, Mrs. Mader the director of the International office and Dr. Salavati meet the members of the city council of Isfahan and confirm their further collaborations.
Some discussions about the foundation of an association of former and current Iranian students of the University of Freiburg are held.
The first meeting on the foundation of a human rights section in the University of Isfahan takes place. Moreover further conversations about future dialogs between the human rights groups of Isfahan and Freiburg are conducted. The participants of this meeting were: Dr. Tellenbach (Max-Planck Institute), Dr. Jalali (Professor of the University of Isfahan and the director of the law department of University of Isfahan), Dr. Thun (member of the human rights commission), Dr. Rezaei (Max- Planck Institut), and Dr. Salavati (initiator of Isfahan- Freiburg partnership).
21.08 2004:
Dr. Salavati meets the head of the city council of Isfahan Mr. Hadj Rasouliha.
1.08.2004 and 31.08.2004: Dr. Salavati meets the mayor of Isfahan Dr. Seyed Morteza Saghaian Nejad in the city hall
Dr. Salavati meets Mr. Ghasemzadeh the director of cultural and youth affairs in Isfahan (Pictures).
September 2004:
The first meeting of the new mayors of both cities of Isfahan and Freiburg Dr. Saghaian Nejad and Dr. Salomon takes place in Freiburg. In this visit the head of the city council of Isfahan Mr. Hadj Rasouliha, the deputy mayor for city planning Mr. Noursalehi and Mr. Moyassari from the international office are accompanying the mayor (Pictures).
February 2005:
During a trip to Isfahan Dr. Salavati visits a partnership related exhibition in Isfhan’s city hall and meets the mayor of Isfahan Dr. Seyed Morteza Saghaian Nejad (Pictures)
He also meets Mr. Azari the head of the Football club of Zobahan Isfahan. They talk about the possible contacts with Freiburg’s soccer club (Invitation, Picture). There is also more discussions with Dr. Jalali (Professor of the University of Isfahan and a member of the attorney board) and Mr. Mehmadoost from the international office about a prospective symposium in Isfahan on human rights. It is planned that representatives of Max- Planck institute of the University of Freiburg, the commission of Freiburg’s human rights and the city of Freiburg participate in the symposium (Picture).
Visiting the Freiburg-house in Isfahan is also planned (Pictures).
Mr. Burger and Dr. Salavati meet the consul general Mr. Monzavizadeh and the consul Mr. Moghadam in the Iranian consulate in Frankfurt and discuss further cultural exchanges and related visa possibilities .
April 2005:
Mr. Guenter Burger (chairman of the international relations of city of Freiburg) travels to Iran (16-20.04.200) and meets Mr. Moyasseri (International office), the head of culture and youth affairs Mr. Ghasemzadeh and the mayor Dr. Saghaian Nejad. They discuss some prospective projects and confirm the collaboration of two cities.
May 2005:
In a trip to Isfahan, Dr. Salavati meets Dr. Rasoul Ranjbaran the president of international chamber of commerce of Isfahan and they discuss the possibilities of the development of the partnership and at the same time broadening of the economic relations between the two cities. Following this meeting, Dr. Ranjbaran invites the president of the international chamber of commerce (ICC) of Freiburg and an accompanying delegation to Isfahan (Invitation, Picture).
December 2005:
The first trip (10-17.12.07) of the Freiburg’s human rights delegation including attorneys, judges and members of the human rights commission to Isfahan takes place. They participated in the joint Human rights seminar.(Invitation, Participants, Programm2 1, Programme 2 and Pictures).
The representatives of the delegation (Mrs. Schrade and Mr. Gebele, Moos and Dr. Salavati) discuss the possibilities of a visit to Isfahan and a visit of a delegation from Isfahan to Freiburg with the mayor of Freiburg.
The representatives of the delegation (Dr. Tellenbach, Dr. Künchner, Dr. Salavati and Woeckel) discuss the possibility of a visit of a delegation from Isfahan to Freiburg with the rector of the University of Freiburg Prof. Dr. Jaeger.
August 2006:
During his trip to Isfahan Dr. Salavati meets the president of the commerce chamber of Isfahan Mr. Sahlabadi and discuss the future development of the partnership of the two cities. Following this meeting Mr. Sahlabadi invites the president of the commerce chamber of Freiburg which was accompanied by a delegation to Isfahan (Invitation, Picture).
Mr. Guenter Burger (Director of International Affairs) and Dr. Salavati met with the new counsel (Mr. Bahmani) in the Iranian Consulate General in Frankfurt (Main) and talk about the partnership and the visa formalities.
15.05. and 29.05.2007:
Requested by the University of Freiburg, Dr. Salavati met the new rector of the University of Isfahan Dr. Ramesht and the prorector Dr. Harsij. They discussed the problems and the possible improvements of the university partnership.
20.05 and 28.05.07:
The reelected mayor of Isfahan Dr. Saghayan Nejad and Dr. Salavati met and discussed the outstanding project and the continuation of the partnership.
The new city council invited Mr. Salavati to a lecture concerning the city partnership. The negative and positive aspects of the city partnership were discussed during the presence of the mayor.
Mr. Mohammad Khatami (former President of Iran) welcomed Dr. Salavati. They discussed the city partnership and the current activities. During this meeting they were discussing their common goal (‘Isfahan- Freiburg partnership’ and ‘Dialog between cultures’) and the possibility of Mr. Khatami’s trip to Freiburg. (Photo)
For the first time Dr. Salavati met with the executive of the Medical University of Isfahan. They considered some possibilities of having contacts to the University of Freiburg.
October 2007:
On his trip to Isfahan Dr. Salavati met with the Rector Dr. Ramesht, the prorector Dr. Harsij, and some other professors in Isfahan, to discuss the collaboration of the two universities and different projects.
Therefore two committees were established:
- One committee to establish a faculty of ‘renewable energy’ in the University of Isfahan with the assistance of the city and the University of Freiburg.(Annex)
- One committee for preparation of a joint conference with political scientists, sociologists, philosophers and historians of both universities. (Annex)
On his trip to Isfahan, Dr. Salavati visited the ‘Sepahan Sport Club’ and discussed the possibility of any contact with the SC and FT 1844 in Freiburg with Mr. Saket the president of Sepahan Sport Club. (Invitation, Photo)
Mr. Burger and Dr. Salavati meet the new consul general Mr. Khalil Jafarzadeh in the Iranian consulate in Frankfurt and discuss the Twin City and related Projects (Photo) .
February 2008:
The second official visit of the rector of the University of Freiburg Prof. Dr. Jaeger, Mrs. Kraft from the International office and Dr. Salavati to Isfahan, Yazd and Tehran takes place (Pictures).
February 2008:
The chancellor of Freiburg University, Prof. Dr. Jaeger, and his wife as well as Ms. Kraft (International Office) visit Isfahan, Yazd and Teheran with Dr. Salavati (February 2–9, 2008) (Report and photographs).
February 6, 2008: Talks with the chancellor, prorector and members of Isfahan University that are working on collaborative projects. (Photographs)
Groundbreaking ceremony for the building “that will house” the new department for renewable energies (Photographs).
February 6, 2008: Talks with the chancellor of Isfahan University of Medical Sciences and subsequent signing of a contract between Freiburg University and Isfahan University of Medical Sciences. (Photographs)
February 7, 2008: Meeting with the mayors of Isfahan at city hall and talks about collaboration. (Photographs)
November 11, 2008:
Talks between Mr. Khatami, former president of the Islamic Republic of Iran, and the chancellor of Freiburg University as well as the lord mayor of Freiburg. (Photographs and report)
December 2008:
Mr. Khatami, former president of the Islamic Republic of Iran, thanks the chancellor of Freiburg University, the lord mayor, Mr. Hillebrand, and Dr. Salavati for the invitation to Freiburg. (Document)
February 15, 2009:
Contract between the Art University of Isfahan and the Institute for Middle Eastern Archeology at Freiburg University. (Photographs)
February 2009:
Contract between the Institute for Geo Archaeology at Isfahan University and the Institute for Middle Eastern Archeology at Freiburg University. (Photographs)
February 2009:
Contract between the Danesh-e-Tandorosti Institute in Isfahan and the Department for Psychosomatic Medicine and Psychotherapy at the University Hospital and the Thure von Uexküll Hospital in Freiburg. (Photographs)
February 9–13, 2009:
A delegation from Freiburg University consisting of Professors Dr. Michael Wirsching (chair, Department for Psychosomatic Medicine and Psychotherapy), Dr. Carl Scheidt (chief of medicine, Thure von Uexkuell Hospital) and Dr. Mohammad Salavati travels to Isfahan for talks with Dr. Goli (chair, Danesh-e-Tandorosti Institute) and Dr. Adibi, vice rector of the University of Medical Sciences, Isfahan. (Report and photographs)
February 10, 2009:
Ground breaking ceremony for a new wellness clinic in Shahreza, Isfahan Province. (Photographs)
February 11–12, 2009:
Workshop on “Psychosomatic Clinical Skills” (covering the topics “Psychosomatic Approach to Depression” and “Psychosomatic Approach to Somatoform Disorders”) at the Danesh-e-Tandorosti Institute and at Raien Clinic in Isfahan (Photographs and report)
February 18, 2009:
During his trip to Isfahan, Dr. Salavati went to the Law Department at Isfahan University for talks with Dr. Sharif Alnasab, spokesperson of the department, about establishing contacts with the Max Planck Institute in Freiburg. As a result, the executive committee of the department invited the president of the Max Planck Institute, Prof. Dr. Sieber, to Isfahan. (Invitation)
March 13–18, 2009:
A cultural delegation from Freiburg consisting of Mr. G. Burger (director of international affairs), Mr. A. Koenneke (head of cultural department), Mr. K. Engert (head of Freiburg Theater), Prof. R. Nolte (chancellor, Freiburg College of Music), Frau K. Kraft (International Office, Freiburg University), Dr. M. Salavati and three Freiburg-based artists (Ms. Ines Maike Seeberger, Mr. Aziz Kortel and Mr. Ricardo Bartra) traveled to Isfahan. Members of the delegation met with the deputy mayor and head of the cultural division, Mr. Tahwilpour, as well as heads of several municipal departments. They also met with the vice rector of Isfahan University, representatives of the International Office, and the vice rector of the Art University of Isfahan (Report and photographs).
March 14, 2009:
Members of the Freiburg cultural delegation meet with the board of Sepahan Sport Club in Hotel Abbasi. (Photographs)
May 15–22, 2009:
Prof. Dr. Jürgen Ruehe, Vice Rector of Freiburg University, travels to Isfahan. He is joined by Ms. Marlies Heinz (Institute for Middle Eastern Archaeology), Mr. Gerhard Oesten (ZEE), Dr. Guenther Ebert (ISE) and Dr. Mohammad Salavati. (Report and photographs)
May 11, 2009: Talks with Ms. Riecken of the cultural division of the German embassy in Teheran.
May 12, 2009: The guests from Freiburg participate in the workshop “Isfahan–Freiburg Partnership and Sustainable Value Creation in Renewable Energies.” (Photographs)
May 13, 2009: Members of the delegation from Freiburg visit the faculties of Isfahan University.
May 13, 2009: Talks with Prof. Dr. Adibi, Vice Rector of Isfahan University of Medical Sciences.
May 14, 2009:
Meeting with the municipal council of Isfahan to discuss the city partnership, especially as it concerns renewable energy.
July 26, 2009:
Dr. Salavati meets with Dr. Mazaheri of Azad University in Isfahan to begin considering the collaboration with Freiburg University.
July 28, 2009:
Dr. Salavati pays a visit to Azad University Isfahan in Najafabad and meets rector and pro rectors and discuss about collaboration with University of Freiburg.
December 16–20, 2009:
A delegation from Isfahan Polytechnical University consisting of Professors Dr. Mohammad Javad Omidi (Chair of Electrical and Computer Engineering Dept.) and Dr. Ahmadreza Tabesh travels to Freiburg. They together with Dr. Salavati meet with Freiburg’s lord mayor, Dr. Salamon, as well as Prof. Dr. Ruehe, prorector of Freiburg University, Prof. Dr. Gerhard Oesten (ZEE) and Dr. Guenther Ebert (ISE).
March 21–24, 2010:
Dr. Roustazadeh (director of international affairs, Isfahan Municipal) with a group of artistes traveled to Freiburg.
He meets with the mayor of Freiburg, Dr. Salamon, as well as heads of several municipal departments. He also met with Mr. Finger, director of the International Office from the University of Freiburg.
March 23–24, 2010:
Dr. Adibi, Vice Rector of the University of Medical Sciences, Isfahan pays a visit to Freiburg and have some meeting with Professors Dr. Michael Wirsching (chair, Department for Psychosomatic Medicine and Psychotherapy), Dr. Carl Scheidt (chief of medicine, Thure von Uexkuell Hospital) and Mr. Finger (Head of International Department of University of Freiburg).
May 01–07, 2010:
A delegation from Freiburg University consisting of Professors Dr. Michael Wirsching (chair, Department for Psychosomatic Medicine and Psychotherapy), Dr. Carl Scheidt (chief of medicine, Thure von Uexkuell Hospital) and Dr. Mohammad Salavati travels to Isfahan for talks with Dr. Adibi, Vice Rector of the University of Medical Sciences, Isfahan, Dr. Razmjoo, President of Medical Science Faculty and Dr. Goli, chair of Danesh-e-Tandorosti Institute. (Report and photographs)
May 03–04, 2010:
Workshop on “Psychosomatic Clinical Skills” (covering the topics “Psychosomatic Approach to Depression” and “Psychosomatic Approach to Depression" & "Psychosomatic Assessment of Patient in Depression”) at the Medical University of Isfahan and at the Danesh-e-Tandorosti Institute in Isfahan (Photographs and report)
Inventory and further development of partnership between the cities of Freiburg and Isfahan. The council shall cause G-10/239 under Pressure (list of activity between Freiburg and Isfahan) from the state and the further development of the knowledge partnership. At the end of a dedicated and informative discussion council practice, this partnership was a "carry on" the great majority. The council has spoken out clearly for a continuation of the partnership with Isfahan.
22nd December 2010:
On his journey to Isfahan, visited Dr. Salavati, the Bar Association in Isfahan and a conversation with Mr. Asadollah Eslami, chairman of the chamber, about possible contacts and cooperation with the Freiburg Lawyers' Association and the Human Rights Commission in Freiburg.
Then invite the Board of lawyer Kammer's the chairman of the Bar Association of Freiburg, Mr. Detlev Heyder and the Chairman of the Commission on Human Rights, Dr. Edlef Lange to Isfahan (see invitations).
18th January 2011:
On his trip to Freiburg (on 18.01.2011) Mr. Mohammad Reza Saket, chairman of the sports club Sepahan - the Sport Club Freiburg and he has a conversation with Mr. Dirk Dufner, managing director of the sports clubs Freiburg about possible contacts and cooperation.
Then invite the sports club Sepahan - Isfahan Mr. Dufner to Isfahan (see invitation).
December 2011 / January 2012:
Signing a partnership agreement between the Bar Association of Isfahan and Freiburg's Bar Association (see pictures)
May 2012:
On his journey to Isfahan, visit Dr. Salavati:
- Mr. Jamali Nejad, Mr. Dr. Ghari Ghoran, Mr. Ranjbar, Mr. Tahvilpour (the mayors Fitze) and Mr. Dr. Same and leads discussions on partnership projects;
- Mr. Rahimi and Mr. Khorwash (President and GM of the sports club Sepahan) and leads a conversation about the contacts with the SC Freiburg;
- Mrs. Dr. Saiidi and Mr. Dr. Salehi (Arts University in Isfahan) and discussed about the cooperation between the two universities;
- The Bar Association in Isfahan and has some conversation with Mr. Anvari Zadeh, Chief Executive Officer of the chamber, through a joint workshop in Isfahan and on cooperation with the Freiburg Lawyers' Association and the Human Rights Commission in Freiburg;
- Dr. Froughi, the Rector of the Azad University Khoraskan Isfahan, to draw a connection with the University of Freiburg in consideration;
- Dr. Sani Zadeh, the editors of the magazine "Danesh Nama" in Isfahan and has some discussions about a special edition of Freiburg;
- Mr. Ayatollahi, the CEO of the "Iran Esfahan Province ICT Guild organization" and holds talks on cooperation with the same organizations in Freiburg;
- Dr. Mohammad Javad Omidi and Dr. Ahmad Reza Tabesh of the Technical University of Isfahan and has some discussion about current renewable energy projects in Isfahan (see Pictures)
24th July 2013:
Visit of the Chairman of Isfahan attorneys, club in Freiburg
Mr. Seyed Mostafa Anvarizadeh, the first chairman of the Attorney club "Kanoone Vokala" of the city of Isfahan, visited Freiburg and have some talk and discussion with Mr. Heydar, the president und the board of the chamber attorneys in Freiburg and the members of the Freiburg Human Rights Commission about a future collaboration between both clubs.
November 2013
On his journey to Isfahan, visit Dr. Salavati:
- Mr. Jamali Nejad,and Mr. Ranjbar (the mayors Fitz) and leads discussions on partnership projects;
- The Bar Association in Isfahan and has some conversation with Mr. Anvari Zadeh, Chief Executive Officer of the chamber, through a joint workshop in Isfahan and on cooperation with the Freiburg Lawyers' Association and the Human Rights Commission in Freiburg;
- Dr. Amiri, the Rector and Dr. Shekarchiyadeh the Dean of Faculty of law of the Azad University of Najafabad Isfahan, to draw a connection with the University of Freiburg in consideration and about the next joint workshop at the university.
April 2014:
On his journey to Isfahan, visit Dr. Salavati:
- Mr. Jamali Nejad and Mr. Ranjbar (the mayors Fitz) and leads discussions on partnership projects;
- Dr. Afshar, Dr. Zahed, Dr, Rouhafza (Medical University of Isfahan) and Dr. Goli „Institute of Higher Health–Isfahan“ and leads discussions on partnership projects DAAD and some preparation for the WDR Documentary films in Isfahan.
- The Bar Association in Isfahan and has some conversation with Mr. Anvari Zadeh, Chief Executive Officer of the chamber, through a joint workshop in Isfahan and on cooperation with the Freiburg Lawyers' Association and the Human Rights Commission in Freiburg;
- Dr. Talebi, the Rector of the University of Isfahan, to active the cooperation between both Universities.
- Dr. Asghari, the Rector of the Medical University of Isfahan and report the activities and the Projects of the cooperation between both Universities.
- Mrs. Froughifar and Mr. Hamidi, Mr. Otroj, Mr. Panjeh Fouladgaran and Mr. Farid Mousawi from SITCO and had some discussion about new Projects and joint projects wit German Institutes.
- Mr. Khaiami Pour und Mr. Saghaii from International Office, city of Isfahan and have some discussion about the partnership projects between both Cities.
- Mr. Khosravi Rad, Mr. Fakhari and Mr. Hamidi from „Isfahan Research & Technology Network“ and had some discussion about new Projects and joint projects wit University of Freiburg.
- Dr. Keshmiri, president and Dr. Omidi, the vice president of „Isfahan Science &Technology Town“ and has some discussion about current renewable energy projects in Isfahan and the possibility of working with ISE (Institute of Solar Energy)
For the first time, Dr. Salavati meets Mrs. Ute Unteregger of the Ecological Station Freiburg to talk about some consideration of having contacts with the Isfahan - NGOs.
October 2014:
The visit of the mayor of Freiburg, some representatives of the city council, the head of International office, the head of Theatre and Dr. Salavati to Isfahan takes place.